
Frequently Asked Questions
How does VacayRep get such good deals?
We use our decades of built knowledge and experience of booking vacation accommodations to get you the best deals possible.
Do I owe a fee for the service?
You only will owe a fee if you book and we save you money. The fee is 25% of the difference between the original quote and the VacayRep Price
How long does it take to get a response?
We are generally able to get you the best price deal with-in 24 hours of submission and usually same day. However, if it is not during regular business hours or we can't get a response from a property manager, it may take longer. If you already have the best deal out there, we will let you know that as well and you won't owe a dime.
How do I know the booking is legitimate?
We only work with the owners/property manager of the rental or reputable 3rd party sites. You will use your credit card to book directly with them as well so you will also be protected in the very unlikely event there is an issue.
Will the cancellation policy be the same as the original quote?
Not necessarily. It may be better or worse but we will explicitly call it out when you are determining whether to accept the VacayRep offer.
How does the booking work?
After submitting your property and desired dates. VacayRep will research and negotiate on your behalf and present you with an offer for a better price. If you accept the offer, Vacay Negotiator will send you a booking link to book directly with the property manager or 3rd party website as well as a link to pay a fee for services. If you decline the offer, no fee will be owed.